R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Pendant Cupidon: 2.25 cm high by 3.15 cm wide clear heart shaped glass with a frosted winged cupid preparing to shoot an arrow and having two holes for the neck cord and one for a tassel R. Lalique Pendant with a later chain. Lot 69 Est: €400 - €600. Model: 1646 Circa 1911. EU - France - Arles - Rue Jean Lebas contact@arles-encheres.com +33 04 90 49 84 70 Date of Sale: 2017-01-14   Guirand - Holz - Arles

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Rene Lalique Pendant Cupidon

R. Lalique Cupidon Pendant

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