R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Silver Gelatin-Bromide Dry Plate Coq: 1 of 18 dry plates in the lot representing a good sample of the design elements of Lalique's work, each 30 cm by 24 cm, in the negative R. Lalique Work Pieces that come in the original box. Lot No. 82 Est: €2500 - €3500. Model: Dry-Plate-1 Circa 1900. There are over 20 R. Lalique lots in the sale comprising around 50 items total. EU - France - Paris - Drouot xavier.dominique@ader-paris.fr +33 01 53 40 77 10 Xavier Dominique is your man at the sale. Emmanuel Eyraud is the Expert for the sale: +33 (0)1 45 54 97 51 / eyraud.expert@free.fr. Date of Sale: 2019-03-22 Sales Results: The dry plates sold for €5376 all-in.   Ader http://www.ader-paris.fr

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Rene Lalique Silver Gelatin-Bromide Dry Plate Coq

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