R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Mascot Coq Houdan: 20 centimeters tall standing rooster figure in clear and frosted glass with a chip under the base R. Lalique Mascot. Lot 92 Est: €9000 - €12000. Model: 1161 Circa 1929. Also in this sale are the following car mascots: Coq Nain, Tete De Coq, Faucon, Saint-Christophe, Sanglier, Grande Libellule, Langchamp, Cinq Chevaux, Tete d'Aigle, and Perche. France - Paris bids@artcurial.com +33 (0)1 42 99 20 20 Date of Sale: 2012-02-03   Artcurial - Briest - Poulain - F. Tajan

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Rene Lalique Mascot Coq Houdan

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