R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Pendant Colombes: 4 cm high dark amber glass having a design of a flower haired mythical figure and 2 doves R. Lalique Pendant. Lot No. 1125 Est: CHF400 - 600. Model: 1659 Circa 1920. Also a Naiades Clock Model 764 as Lot 1001, a Dahlias Chandelier with possible original ceiling cap as Lot 1070, the dome shaped floral motif top to the Bouton's D'Or Perfume Burner later mounted on a wrought iron base as a Lamp as Lot 1074, an opalescent Quatre Flacons Box and 4 perfume bottles for Houbigant as Lot 1078, a Dentele Vase as Lot 1079, an opalescent Druide Vase as Lot 1080, a set of 16 12 cm Lotus Bols Model 3103 as Lot 1092, 5 Fleurettes Beads in 3 colors from the necklace Model 1501 as Lot 1126, a green glass Libellules Pendant Model 1653 with later metal enhancements as Lot 1127, a Raisins Pendant as Lot 1128, 8 disk shaped elements in 2 or 3 different colors from the Dahlias et Rondelles Plates Necklace Model 1513 as Lot 1129, and a Graines Pendant as Lot 1130. Switzerland - Zurich - Hardturmstrasse dallavedova@kollerauktionen.ch +41 44 445 63 11 Jean Pierre Dalla Vedova is your contact at the sale. Date of Sale: 2019-12-06   Koller

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