R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Carafe Clos Sainte Odile: A pair of 24 cm total height rectangular shaped glass R. Lalique Carafes each decorated with a central medallion of the Sainte with each carafe having a different stopper, one being grapes and the other cerises. Lot No. 44 Est: €150 - €200. Model: Sainte-Odile-Decanter-1 Circa 1927. Also a 27 cm elongated tear-drop shaped Clos Sainte Odile wine bottle as Lot 43. EU - France -Orléans - impasse Notre Dame du Chemin orleans@poussecornet.com +33 02 38 54 00 00 Date of Sale: 2022-11-05   Pousse-Cornet - Orléans

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Rene Lalique Carafe Clos Sainte Odile

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