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Champagne Mumm Ashtray |
Rene Lalique Champagne Mumm Ashtray information and photos at RLalique.com are tied together on this main Champagne Mumm Ashtrays page. Past and future auctions, historical details, sales, copies, reproductions, articles and more are all accessible from here. This page grows as more info is added to the website. Note: Notwithstanding the literature and a couple of museum collections, we know of no evidence from any source (including the Mumm company and the Lalique company) that this is a pre-war R. Lalique item. We have photos of one of these that appears to have had the Lalique France post-war stencil signature to the underside with the France off-center below Lalique (as you would expect, though the entire signature may be a fogery) and than a larger R. added in front of Lalique. Also these ashtrays have been seen without any signature. Keeping in mind the obvious issues we mentioned above with one of the signatures, the signed examples we have seen all have the stencil block capital letters signature R. LALIQUE (and underneath that) FRANCE. But there are visible differences in signatures including some highly problematic ones. This was not a commercial model made over many years, and you would expect they would all have been made and signed with the stencil around the same time for Mumm. Finally, in addition to all the above, the way the ashtray is constructed with the piece below the oval plaque that elevates it is a lot more consistent with post-war commercial ashtrays than pre-war ashtrays. So we've listed this model ashtray on the site solely to provide this information while we await the appearance of any documentation or further information that makes this a pre-war R. Lalique piece. See The Entire Catalogue Of: Rene Lalique Ashtrays
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