R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Vase Ceylon: 24 centimeters tall glass widening to flat top rim with a design of four pairs of birds decorating the top half of the R. Lalique Vase. Lot 518 Est: €5000 - €6000. Model: 905 Circa 1924. Also in this sale a Perruches Bowl, a Sauge Vase and an Albert Vase. Austria - Vienna julia.blaha@dorotheum.at +43 1 515 60 383 Dr. Julia Blaha is the contact at the auction house for R. Lalique. Date of Sale: 2012-11-26 Sales Results: The Ceylon Vase did not sell. Nor did the Perruches Bowl. The Sauge Vase sold all-in for €1875 and on the same basis the Albert Vase made €1500.   Dorotheum http://www.dorotheum.com

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