R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Vase Ceylan: 24 centimeters tall opalescent and patinated press molded 8 bird decorated R. Lalique Vase. Lot 265 Est: €2000 - €3000. Model: 905 Circa 1924. Also another Ceylan Vase that is frosted, six enameled Pavot Glasses in a single Lot 264, a small Pissenlit Bowl, a pair of Epines Perfume Bottles in one Lot 269, 18 Coquilles Bowls as Lot 270, and a large set of Nippon Tableware including decanters, bowls and various glasses as Lot 268. EU - France - Paris - Drouot ferri.cp@ferri-drouot.com +33 01 42 33 11 24 Date of Sale: 2013-12-04   Ferri

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