R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Vase Ceylan: 24 centimeters high press molded opalescent glass tapering to base with the top half of the vase having a design of four pairs of perched birds. Lot 265 Est: £2500 - £3500. Model: 905 Circa 1924. Also a Saint Francois Vase, a Champigny Decanter missing the stopper, and a Cristal Lalique modern heavily green stained (the staining likely even newer than the plate) Berbere Plate Model Number 11710 described as Rene Lalique and having an R. Lalique signature. UK - England - Oxford oxford2@mallams.co.uk +44 (0)1865 241358 Date of Sale: 2013-05-22 Sales Results: The Ceylon Vase sold for £2500. The Saint-Francois Vase made £800, and the bottom only to the Champigny Decanter sold for £70.   Mallams http://www.mallams.co.uk

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