R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Vase Ceylan: 24 cm tall press-molded tapering opalescent glass with 4 pairs of perched birds against a low relief foliage background under an overhanging rim R. Lalique Vase. Lot No. 289 Est: £1800 - £2200. Model: 905 Circa 1924. Also a 30 cm opalescent Coquilles Plate as Lot 285, a 29.5 cm blue glass skyscraper type Je Reviens Perfume Bottle for Worth as Lot 286, a 10.5 cm Cinq Fleurs Perfume Bottle for Forvil with the likely original "Parfums Forvil" box as Lot 287, and an opalescent Moissac Vase as Lot 288. UK - Cheshire - Knutsford - Church Hill fineart@wrightmarshall.co.uk +44 (0) 1565 653284 Date of Sale: 2019-03-02 Sales Results: The vase sold for £4961 all-in.   Wright Marshall http://www.wrightmarshall.co.uk

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Rene Lalique Vase Ceylan

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