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Lalique Bernhardt-Rejane Watercolor |
Rene Lalique Bernhardt-Rejane Watercolor: A 58 cm by 46 cm sheet containing depictions of both the actresses Sarah Bernhardt and Gabrielle Réjane. The watercolor is signed by both actresses. It's included in one of two original commemorative albums created for the visit to France in 1896 of Tsar Nicholas II with his wife the Empress Alexandra Fedorovna. Two original albums were created, each containing a total of 26 pages of autographs, scores, drawings, and watercolors by many of the leading art, music, stage, and societal figures in France. One was presented to the Tsar, the other to the President of the French Republic Felix Faure. This album is the one created for President Faure and is monogrammed for him with two F's on the bottom of naval anchors in memory of his position in 1894 as Minister of the French Navy. The elaborate metal clasp has the arms of the city of Paris and the shields of cities of Cherbourg and Clermont-Ferrand. Lot No. 34 Est: €15,000 - €20,000. Model: Watercolor-3 Circa 1896. EU - France - Paris - Drouot bids@pescheteau-badin.com +33 01 47 70 50 90 Brice Pescheteau-Badin is your contact at the sale. Date of Sale: 2018-12-07 Sales Results: The album sold for €16,000 hammer. Pescheteau-Badin http://www.pescheteau-badin.com
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