R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Plaque Avion Biplan: A clear and frosted 16 by 18.5 cm commemorative Lalique Plaquette of a bi-plane on bronze base, a non-commercial item honoring French Aviation pioneer Henry Farman who in 1908 made the first cross country flight in Europe 2004 Catalogue Raisonne Page 476 Lot 97 Est: €150 - €200. Model: Plaque-Plane Circa 1933. France - Avignon armengau@interencheres.com +33 04 90 86 35 35 Date of Sale: 2010-11-06 Sales Results: The Plaque sold for €650.   Hotel des Ventes d'Avignon

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Rene Lalique Plaque Avion Biplan

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