R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Mirror Anemones: 39 centimeters large round glass, the nearly all consuming mirror surrounded by a thin decorated glass molded anemones design R. Lalique Mirror. Lot 108 Est: €8000 - €12,000. Model: Mirror-2 Circa 1913. Also in this sale a Figurines et Raisins 9 piece panel having three different figurine panels centered between a top and bottom row each having three identical much smaller raisins panels, a set of 6 Schlumberger Stems, and a set of six Coquelicot Tumblers. France - Paris massol.sa@orange.fr +33 01 42 65 08 01 Date of Sale: 2012-12-14   Massol

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