R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Cup Anemones: 8.5 cm tall clear and undecorated glass R. Lalique Cup with an ear shaped elevated handle decorated with frosted buttercups selling with the modern ashtray in which it sits. Lot No. 224 Est: €20 - €50. Model: 3881 Circa 1928. Also a dark amber Moissac Vase as Lot 12, a group of 4 various Moineau Paperweights as Lot 13 to include the Moineau Sur Socle Ailes Ouvertes Model No. 1155 on the clear block base, a Tete De Coq Car Mascot as Lot 22 that has the molded Lalique France on the neck but of unknown age, and a 34.5 cm Jaffa Plate as Lot 223. EU - France - Pau - Allees Catherine De Bourbon info@carrere-laborie.com +33 05 59 84 72 72 Date of Sale: 2018-07-21   Carrère & Laborie

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