R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Coupe Algues: About 36 cm wide algae decorated glass R. Lalique Coupe in the coupe-ouverte form. Lot No. 1040 Est: €300 - €350. Model: 10-389 Circa 1933. Note: Our I.D. and measurement of this model is based solely on the picture you see here and the auction house stating the model number is 10-389. EU - France - Marseille - Rue de Lorgues contact@hdvm.fr +33 04 91 32 39 00 Renaud Mazzella is your man at the sale. Date of Sale: 2023-06-23   Hotel Des Ventes Mediterranee

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