R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Drawing Aigrettes Vase: 20 cm by 15 cm pre-production drawing for the Aigrettes Vase. Lot No. 10 Est: €600 - €700. Model: Drawing-27 Circa 1926. Note: The auction house describes the material as "original au crayon sur papier gris bleuté repris à la plume à et encre de Chine" and that it is from the Bergelin archives. Maurice Bergelin was a sculptor that Lalique hired in 1913. He was heavily involved in the creation of cire perdues.

See the model page for the Aigrettes Vase that appears in this drawing.

The drawing sold for €3200 hammer plus commissions.

France - Paris - Drouot boisgirard@club-internet.fr +33 (0)1 47 70 81 36 Date of Sale: 2006-09-21 Sales Results: The drawing sold for €3200 hammer plus commissions.   Boisgirard

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Rene Lalique Drawing Aigrettes Vase

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