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Standard Terms of Anything Shipped To Us |
The Following are the General Terms of Shipment To Us of Any ItemPlease do not ship anything to us that we have not agreed in an email Agreement to accept for review and approval. All items shipped to us for any reason are subject to our review and approval no matter what the purpose of the shipment is. We do not assume any responsibility for any item until we have reviewed and approved the item and the price (when applicable) of the item. All consignments and sale items MUST be sent to our office for final inspection and approval before we accept them for any purpose, and remain in our possession for the agreed time frame or until sold or shipped out. This is for the protection of both buyers, sellers and ourselves. All incoming items must be double boxed AND packed according to UPS Guidelines, in sufficient size boxes to minimize risk of loss. The cost of shipping any item, including insurance, is paid by you. If your item is ever shipped back to you for any reason, shipping back to you, including insurance is also paid by you. All shipments must be fully tracked, and delivery must be able to be verified by the shipper. Risk of loss after we receive an item, is transferred to and assumed by us only after we have reviewed the item and the price, and emailed you our acceptance. If the price is not approved, we will not assume risk of loss until we have agreed on a new price and exchanged emails stating the new agreement. After final approval and agreement, the risk of loss we assume would be in the amount of 80% of the agreed price less commissions and fees as if it sold. Until we review and approve the item, and we agree on the price, risk of loss remains with you as the owner of the item. If you ship an item to us and we do not approve the item, or if we do not approve the price and cannot agree on a new price, we do not assume risk of loss under any circumstances, and the item will be promptly returned to you at your expense. If any item is shipped to us without an Agreement via email in advance, than we do not assume risk of loss at any time for any reason. Risk of loss during shipment in either direction is on you, and it would be your responsibility to process the insurance claim with the shipper. By shipping any item to us for any reason, you are giving us the right to photograph the item and use the photos for any reason in the normal course of our business. This is a summary of important shipping related terms which anyone sending us any items is agreeing to be bound by, and which would be found in any Agreement where an item(s) is shipped to us. Any conflict in language is controlled by the particular Agreement itself and not by this summary.
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