R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Lalique and Haviland Join Their U.S. Operations

Lalique and Haviland announced that they will join their U.S. operations, naming Lalique North America CEO Max Zouhairi as CEO of Haviland’s U.S. operations as well. The new arrangement will effectively bring nearly all operations in the U.S. of Lalique and Haviland together, while maintaining separate corporate identities. Joint stores, marketing, warehouses, shipping systems and general operations seem to signal a merger in virtually every way except the corporate paperwork. These developments were foreshadowed by the joint Lalique – Haviland store opening in London and related events reported on these pages in April of this year.

These are difficult times for many luxury goods suppliers and retailers, and Art & Fragrance, the recent purchaser and majority owner of Cristal Lalique, has not gone untouched by the worldwide economic difficulties, having just reported in May a loss for 2008 of 11 million CHF or about 10.3 million US Dollars. This Lalique – Haviland operational merger in the U.S. is designed to cut joint operating costs and at the same time maximize the marketing advantage of two of the greatest names in decorative arts and consumer products. 

Along these same lines, just to let you know they aren’t letting the grass grow under their feet on this, they are having a joint Lalique Haviland Warehouse Sale in New Jersey on June 11th, 12th, 13th and 15th!

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